1) The "Nap Wars" household has been under quarantine again this week. The Tot caught another summer cold which has kept us trapped inside and caused a bit of crabbiness. He hasn't been very happy about it either.
2) Our inability to go anywhere has resulted in some increase in television watching for the Tot. I am starting to understand how parents fall in to the trap of using television as the "babysitter". Having him occupied for 20-30 minutes at a time becomes addicting. Unfortunately, he has also begun to react with indignation when the television gets shut off which is probably a good sign that he has had too much.
3) I have been agonizing over buying the new Jennifer Weiner book "Fly Away Home". I love her books and even have signed copies of a few, but since the purchase of my kindle last year, I have downloaded all of my books. For me it's a matter of space as much as it is being cost-effective. I rarely go back and read a book more than once or twice and they fill up and overflow my shelves and the boxes in the basement. Aside from the obvious collector type books, I have yet to develop hard and fast criteria for when I should buy a book in hard copy and when I should just download it. The dilemma I always have is "what if I download the book and then I really love it and want to get it signed one day" because then I have to go ahead and purchase it anyway. But in reverse it's "what if it's just an okay book but not one I will ever read again" and then I have it taking up valuable shelf real estate? (no offense to Jennifer Weiner)
4) There is nothing much on television this summer. I have been occupying my time with watching old movies instead. Yesterday was "Bridget Jones' Diary" and today is "Adventures in Babysitting" and now "Coraline" (which is why this quick takes has taken a heck of a lot longer than it should have!)
5) I am also very much looking forward to the Fall TV season for another reason. Yes, I am excited to see what is next on Grey's Anatomy and who will be singing what on this season's Glee, but more importantly, I am sick of the same 8-10 Sesame Street episodes on the DVR and can't wait for some new ones!
6) The Tot is gaining more and more square footage. Our living room has been overrun by Fisher Price and Little Tikes and as a result, the rarely used office is being converted to his playroom. This has begun the arduous task of emptying the office of clutter and deciding how to reorganize. On the positive side - it also means I get to redecorate the office!
7) My in-laws and niece are visiting next week which has brought on a cleaning frenzy akin to pregnancy nesting. I love having a clean house but am just not a huge fan of actually cleaning it. Not to mention that my OCD kicks in during times like these and no matter how clean it seems, I see places where it can always be better. However, I am taking a break from mops and dust bunnies this weekend to hire a sitter so we can go see "Inception". I love going to the movies, but once we add in the cost of tickets, popcorn (gotta have it) and the sitter fee, we rarely do it these days unless it's for something really good. So, I hope this one lives up to the hype.
Happy Friday! For more quick takes click here.
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