On Saturday, after our city trip, Ben woke up with a swollen gland in his neck. He had no other symptoms so the husband hypothesized that it was a result of teething and we didn't dwell on it. Later in the week, he had a couple of night wake ups, but still no fever or other symptoms so we continued on with our plans in blissful denial. Then Wednesday, after he kept coming to me and telling me that his ear hurt and he needed me to kiss it, we ended up in the doctor's office. He had a double ear infection and she gave us some antibiotics.
By the end of the day, I had a scratchy throat and stuffy nose (and no antibiotics). So we decided to have a couple of "pajama days" and have been quarantined inside watching movies, reading books, and playing games. It's been nice not to have to rush out anywhere and just to enjoy our time together. Of course, his naps have been crazy and I have snuck some snoozing in as well, which has completely cut in to my time to blog. Or read blogs. Or comment on blogs.
But, now we are back in action and just in time for the Easter Bunny. Benjamin had a very unpleasant experience getting his picture taken with the bunny last weekend and is not excited about this visit. In fact, I have mentioned to him several times "The Easter Bunny is coming on Sunday" and he says "No. I don't like him." I think he's fine getting candy and gifts - as long as they aren't presented by a man in a large rabbit suit. We have another egg hunt tomorrow and I am excited for him to be able to hunt for eggs. By the time he figured out what he was supposed to do at the last one, all the bigger kids had snagged the eggs (I had a struggle not snatching eggs out of the little stinkers hands!)
We have planned an Easter meal for Sunday (as well as hiding our own eggs and basket). Two weeks ago, a random miracle occurred at our Wednesday night dinner at the church. We were having ham and scalloped potatoes and Ben was eating his typical nuggets, fruit and carrot sticks. All of the sudden he started pointing at my plate. I said "Do you want a bite of ham?" and he said "Yes" and ate it! Then he ate several more bites! With no prompting from us at all! Needless to say - we are serving ham for Easter and relishing the fact that we will not be fighting and pleading over each tiny bite.
I hope all of my blogging friends have a lovely Easter and that the bunny brings good things for all of you!
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